Motion of Thanks
- Date
- 2010 June 3-11
- Source
- General Synod. Minutes
- Type
- Act 77
- Seconder
- Ms. Margaret Jenniex
- Text of motion
- We the members of the 39th General Synod are privileged people. The Holy Spirit has sailed with us through the last nine days -- during worship at the Cathedral, worship at St. Paul's and worship at the 300th Celebration at Memorial Park. We have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit as we talked, laughed and shared many meals and parties and we felt it moving among us as a gentle wind as delegates waved those voting cards in the air.
- We have met in Galley Groups, Discussion Groups, and Diocesan Groups. What a unique and awesome way to get make friends with delegates all across this great land of ours and beyond as we welcomed partners and guests in our groups! We offer our thanks to the Chair Barbara Burrows and her very capable General Synod Planning Committee for having the foresight to arrange this. We also thank this committee for being brave enough to introduce the ‘paperless Synod’ amid some protests.
- We want to express our delight to those who also chose such an appropriate theme. We have truly felt the winds of God and we have charted our course in positive directions.
- We move that the members of the General Synod 2010 offer thanks and gratitude:
- - To the Rev. Randy Townsend and his capable team who were all members of the Local Arrangements Committee for the countless hours you have spent before and during Synod. Randy, under your leadership was an awesome team of volunteers. We thank you for your warm welcome, for those smiles and friendly faces, for the transportation to and from venues, and for those who were always available to take some of us to and from the plenary. Thank you for always being at the plenary hall to help out.
- - To Bishop Sue Moxley and Bishop Ron Cutler and to all the people of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. You have enriched our gathering and have shown us a taste of your gracious hospitality. Thanks to those who helped decorate the plenary space reflecting the theme.
- - To that young fellow by the name of Peter Irish for being so helpful at the Information Desk.
- - To the Worship Committee with co-chairs - Peter Wall and Katherine Bourbonniere for the many different forms of worship that we have experienced; for those who shared their gifts of music; and for the galley group and discussion group leaders.
- - To all who staffed and chaired committees - Agenda, Expenditures, Resolutions and Nominating. We know that you and all the Sessional Committees have spent many hours ensuring that things ran smoothly. Many thanks for your commitment.
- - To the media teams - Anglican Video, Anglican Journal, for their hard work and dedication before and during the Synod; and to Monica Graham for her hard work doing the Daily Reports.
- - To the partners and guests that brought greetings and messages. We have enjoyed your presence with us. Blessings to you as you continue to serve God and the Church.
- - To the sponsors of our Evening Socials - we thank you for your generosity. We did so appreciate this at the end of a long day.
- - To Ronald Stevenson, our Chancellor and the team of assessors who have worked so quietly to help the Synod run so smoothly. Ron, you have brought us such invaluable advice over the years and every blessing to you.
- - We made history at this Synod. We welcomed Bishop Mark MacDonald as a full voting member of the Synod and two members of ACIP as full voting members of COGS. Thank you for your stories, for your commitment, and for your love of God, as we work together to build up God’s kingdom.
- - There are always many people who work behind the scenes and this is no different. Many staff members have often gone beyond their regular duties to look after all the needs and have done so with much grace and skill. Our thanks and love go out to you all.
- - To Margaret Shawyer, our General Synod Coordinator, we give you a heartfelt thanks for your helpfulness, devotion, and efficient manner in which you ensured that Synod ran smoothly and effectively. As you take another step in your journey, we give thanks, blessing and love to a special lady.
- - To all members of COGS, and Standing Committees over the past three years - it was a joy to work with you. Thanks go to all of you for the work you have done.
- - To the delegates of the 39th Session of Synod - lay, clergy and bishops - who gave of your gifts of blessing, perceptiveness, and understanding.
- - To the Principal Secretary, Paul Feheley, who also worked behind the scenes to ensure that everything was in tip top shape. Things get magically done because of your tireless work and your willingness to lend a hand where and when needed.
- - To all those whom we may have forgotten we ask your forgiveness and we are sure there may be some, we give thanks.
- Our closing words of thanks are to those who sat under the heat and glare of the lights, and provided leadership:
- - To Dianne Izzard, who has been a faithful recording secretary. But her skills and dedication go way beyond that. She answers loads of questions, takes care of communicating to the Synod for the last three years. There is a tremendous amount of teamwork and I know how many hours she works to make sure things are done. You are an exceptional lady and we thank you.
- - To Harry Huskins, who will now step into the role of Deputy Prolocutor again, for the next three years, we are thankful for the role you have played in planning for the Synod. Best wishes to you as go forward into the next triennium.
- - To Bob Falby, who took on the role of Prolocutor part way through the last triennium. Now you go forward into the next three years and we thank you for your commitment, wisdom and experience and we are sure that you will be faithful in your call to build up the vision we have for our Church.
- - To Sam Carriere, our Acting General Secretary, a sincere vote of thanks from all of us for having the courage to take over this position. You have a quiet unassuming way of offering advice and wisdom of experience. You also did a fine job as the Announcement Man.
- And last but never least, to Fred our Primate -
- - You have chaired your first General Synod with grace and you have surrounded us throughout those days with prayer. You show a genuine love for people and for your beloved Church. We admire you for your faithfulness, leadership, fairness, patience, and your passion. It shines forth in all you do. We are privileged to have you at the helm as our Captain and as the gentle breezes take us forward, we are ready to journey with you on the ‘course you have charted’. We are proud to be called Anglicans and honored to be part of this Church. Thank you!!
- As we leave this place to journey to our homes in the cities and towns and communities of this great land, we leave knowing that we have made many friendships, learned many new things, and celebrated historical moments. We can be sure that the Holy Spirit will go with us and we give thanks to God that we have been part of General Synod 2010.
- Notes
- Closing Service
- A celebration of the Holy Eucharist was held in the plenary hall. Bishop Susan Johnson, the National Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada presided. The Primate Archbishop Fred Hiltz preached.
- Prorogation
- The Primate declared the 39th Session of the General Synod prorogued at 11:35 A.M.