Meech Lake Accord
- Date
- 1987 October 19-21
- Type
- Resolution 44-10-87
- Mover
- Mrs. H. Woolley
- Seconder
- Ms. J. McCann
- Text of motion
- That the National Executive Council requests the Primate to convey to the Prime Minister, the Premiers of the Provinces and the Territorial Government Leaders our opposition to the process being followed by the Governments of Canada and the Provinces as embodied in the Meech Lake Accord, and express to them our grave concern about:
- a) the negation of the rights of Native people, including the right to be consulted;
- b) the diminution of the rights of women and the recognition of men and women as equal persons;
- c) the denial of the rights of the Northwest Territories and Yukon to participate fully in Canadian political and public life.
- Moved by Ven. A.R. Reed
- Seconded by: Dr. L.L. Whytehead
- That the words "the negation of", "the diminution of", and "the denial of" be deleted. DEFEATED
- The original motion was put and CARRIED #44-10-87
- Subjects
- Meech Lake Constitutional Accord (1987)
- Christianity and politics - Anglican Church of Canada
- Canada - Constitution
- Indigenous peoples - Canada - Anglican Church of Canada
- Indigenous peoples - Canada
- Women - Canada
- Northwest Territories
- Yukon Territory