[Mission to Laymen]
- Date
- 1924 September
- Source
- General Synod. Minutes
- Type
- Resolution
- Mover
- Mr. G.B. Nicholson
- Seconder
- Chancellor Bury
- Text of motion
- Resolved, That in accordance with the resolution of the General Synod at its last session (1921 Journal, p.409-11), the laymen of the Synod now in session have conferred and now beg to submit the following proposals:
- (a) A Mission or Campaign of Education conducted within the next three years by the laymen of the Church throughout Canada by means of addresses by laymen and through the circulation of suitable literature.
- (b) The purpose of the Mission or Campaign is to arouse the laymen of the Church in every Parish and Diocese to a fuller appreciation of their privileges within, and their responsibilities to the Church, to inform the members of the Church respecting the Missionary, Educational, Social, Beneficiary, Diocesan and Parochial problems and needs, and stimulate greater activity and generosity in support of its work.
- (c) The problems to which the movement should be especially directed, in the first instance would be the work of the M.S.C.C. and the Beneficiary Funds of the Church.
- (d) Any action taken will be taken with the approval and co-operation of the members of the House of Bishops, the M.S.C.C. and other organizations concerned.
- (e) For the purpose of formulating the necessary plan of organization and campaign, we suggest the following as a Committee: Mssrs. G.B. Nicholson (Convener), W.H. Wiggs, G.C. Coppley, G.B. Woods, R.W. Allin, and L.A. Hamilton, with power to add to their number.
- Notes
- This was carried enthusiastically by a standing vote.
- Subjects
- Laity - Anglican Church of Canada
- Lay ministry - Anglican Church of Canada
- Evangelism - Anglican Church of Canada
- Evangelism - Canada
- Religious education of adults - Anglican Church of Canada