- Date
- 1966 August 30 - September 1
- Type
- Resolution
- Mover
- Lt. Col. D.S. Mitchell
- Seconder
- Archbishop of Algoma
- Text of motion
- That the minutes of the meeting of May 12-13, 1966, with the following corrections, be adopted:
- Page 1, Delete "Registrar" under "Mr. J.W. Graham" and place his name under "Judge E.R. Tavender."
- Page 2, Item VI. 1, The sentence in the first paragraph commencing "The Very Rev. W. Bothwell..." should read, "The Very Rev. W. Bothwell reported that Montreal had accepted its suggested quota, and had accepted the sum of $50,000 as the target for the appeal which will be made there in the fall." CARRIED
- Notes
- The General Secretary was asked if he would, in future, include an index of the items discussed in the minutes of the National Executive Council. This he agreed to do.
- Subjects
- Anglican Church of Canada. National Executive Council - Minutes
- Anglican Church of Canada - Indexing