[1967 Contributions to Primate's World Relief Fund]
- Date
- 1968 February 15
- Source
- Anglican News Service
- Type
- Press Release
- Text of motion
- A record $254,632 was contributed to the Primate's World Relief Fund of the Anglican Church of Canada during Centennial Year. Through the fund Canadians help to alleviate starvation and distress caused by disasters, assist refugees and homeless people, and give support to a variety of relief projects abroad.
- Most Rev. Howard H. Clark, the Primate, expressed gratification at the achievement, at the same time announcing that the 1968 target had been set at $400,000. Last year's total compares with the previous high mark of $235,412, reached in 1960, the year the fund was established, and exceeded the 1966 figure by $53,908. The eight-year aggregate amounts to $1,676,988.
- "Canada is one of the few countries that today are increasing their aid to under-developed countries," Archbishop Clark said. "But still it is not doing enough. And the Primate's World Relief Fund is not doing enough."
- Speaking particularly of the need for food in India and other countries, he said: "The world is facing a crisis. So far, it is losing the battle with hunger. We are still producing too many people and not enough food."
- Grants made by the fund last year amounted to more than $235,000. They included $33,500 for a variety of needs in Africa; $20,000 to drought-parched areas in India for projects designed to promote irrigation and better farming; $25,000 for Middle East refugees without distinction of nationality, religion or politics and $10,000 for the East Asian Christian Council's teams working among civilian war victims in Vietnam.
- Most of the grants, made up of voluntary donations given over and above the regular church budget, go to relief projects sponsored by the Division of Inter-Church Aid of the Refugee and World Service of the World Council of Churches. Administrative costs average just over five percent annually.
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- Subjects
- Anglican Church of Canada. Primate's World Relief Fund (PWRF) - Grants
- Anglican Church of Canada. Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) - Finance
- Budget - Anglican Church of Canada
- Church and development - Anglican Church of Canada