15. Report of the PWRDF Committee
- Date
- 1974 February 6-8
- Type
- Resolution
- Mover
- Graham
- Seconder
- Maybee
- Prologue
- The report of the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund Committee was presented by Mr. E.G. Pullen with the assistance of the Reverend R. MacRae. The work of the Committee for 1973 was reviewed and copies of the financial statement made available for members of the National Executive Council.
- During 1973 seventy grants were made to thirty countries and regions totalling $458,986. Further "in process" grants of $196,349 were committed during 1973 for payment during 1974.
- Inter-Church Fund for International Development
- Mr. Pullen introduced a working paper concerning the proposed fund which included specific recommendations leading to possible implementation. A working paper was first presented on June 6, 1973 to the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) after a series of consultations between the Inter-Church Consultative Committee on Development and Relief (ICCCDR) and CIDA which began February, 1973. The December 11, 1973 working paper represents the most recent working paper and it appears likely that CIDA will grant $800,000 to the first year of operation. Approval is now being sought in the five churches for the proposal. It was emphasized that the Fund does not replace the PWRDF but gives the PWRDF, and similar agencies of the other churches, an instrument that will be effective in relating to agencies of government responsible for development funds.
- Text of motion
- That this National Executive Council approves in principle
- 1. the establishment of the Inter-Church Fund for International Development, and that
- 2. The Anglican Church of Canada participate in the Fund through Primate's World Relief and Development Fund, and
- 3. that PWRDF share in the financial support of the Inter-Church Fund on a proportionate basis, and
- 4. that PWRDF report to the National Executive Council on the continuing negotiations with CIDA.
- After much discussion [it was]
- Moved by Somerville, seconded by Maybee,
- That the question be put. CARRIED
- The Motion was then put. CARRIED
- Notes
- Moved by Somerville, seconded by Rayner,
- That the Report be received. CARRIED
- Subjects
- Inter-Church Fund for International Development (ICFID)
- Anglican Church of Canada. Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF)
- Anglican Church of Canada. Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) - Grants
- Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
- Church and development - Anglican Church of Canada