Marriages between Anglicans and Roman Catholics - Pastoral Guidelines for Interchurch
- Date
- 1986 June 9-13
- Source
- House of Bishops. Minutes
- Type
- Resolution 11-6-86
- Resolution 12-6-86
- Resolution 13-6-86
- Mover
- Bishop Lackey
- Seconder
- Bishop Baycroft
- Text of motion
- That the House of Bishops receive the document "Pastoral Guidelines for Interchurch Marriages Between Anglicans and Roman Catholics in Canada" (Revised June 1986), and approve it in principle.
- And that the House of Bishops authorize the Anglican Bishops at the National Anglican/Roman Catholic Episcopal Dialogue meeting in November 1986, to negotiate a final agreed text, bearing in mind the discussions at this meeting of the House of Bishops, and arrange for its publications and distribution for use in dioceses at the discretion of the Diocesan Bishops. CARRIED #11-6-86
- Notes
- Resolution #12-6-86
- Moved by: Bishop Lawrence
- Seconded by: Bishop Goodings
- That in light of the Motion in reference to the reception of the "Pastoral Guidelines for Inter-Church Marriages between Anglican and Roman Catholics in Canada", the particular reference to Article 9 be suspended".
- Resolution #13-6-86
- Seconded by: Bishop Sperry
- That this Motion be tabled until the Fall, 1986, meeting of the House. CARRIED
- Subjects
- Interchurch marriage - Anglican Church of Canada
- Interchurch marriage - Catholic Church
- Anglican Church of Canada - Relations - Catholic Church
- Catholic Church - Relations - Anglican Church of Canada
- Pastoral guidelines for interchurch marriages between Anglicans and Roman Catholics in Canada