Lambeth and Social Service
- Author
- Lambeth Conference, 1920. Committee Appointed to Consider the Opportunity and Duty of the Church in Regard to Industrial and Social Problems
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Bulletin [Council for Social Service]
- Date
- 1921 March
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Date
- 1921 March
- Issue
- 44
- Page
- 1-35 p.
- Notes
- "The world-wide interest aroused by the various resolutions and reports of the Lambeth Conference on 1920 has prompted the Editorial Board to reprint for church people in Canada these portions which particularly refer to the ask [sic i.e. task] of the church in Social Service. The representatives of the Canadian Episcopate serving on the committee drawing up this report were the Bishops of Huron [David Williams], Toronto [James Fielding Sweeny], Ontario [Edward John Bidwell], and Fredericton [John Andrew Richardson]". -- p. 3.
- Contents: [List of] Publications of the Council for Social Service of the Church of England in Canada Available for Distribution -- The Social Task of the Church -- Social Service Notes and News .
- "We have suggested various lines of action which, we feel assured, it is our duty to follow, if we are to arrive at that better social and industrial order which we believe to be in accordance with God's will. But we desire to affirm, with unwavering conviction, that no outward adjustments can, by themselves, bring us near to the Kingdom of God" (p. 26).
- The Social Task of the Church divided into sub-sections: [Introduction] -- Resolutions Formally Adopted by the Conference -- The Opportunity and Duty of the Church in Regard to Industrial and Social Problems: The Committee's Report : The Gospel a Social Message -- Special Features of the Situation -- Women in Industry -- The Drink Question -- Our Primary Duty -- Human Values -- (a) Security against Unemployment -- (b) Reasonable Leisure -- (c) A Living Wage -- (d) Safeguards to Life and Health -- Housing -- Summary -- How to Fulfil Our Duty -- The Church's Failure -- Co-operation of Christian Forces -- The Root of the Matter.
- Social Service Notes and News divided into sub-sections: Executive of the Council -- With the Social Service Council of Canada -- With the Girls' Friendly Society -- Social Service Work by the Brotherhood of St. Andrew -- The Down Town Church Workers of Toronto -- Welcome and Welfare Worker Admitted as a Deaconess -- Welcome and Welfare Worker Appointed in the Diocese of Ontario -- Bulletin 2, Wanted.
- Subjects
- Lambeth Conference, 1920
- Church and social problems - Anglican Communion
- Social justice - Anglican Communion
- Church and labor - Anglican Communion
- Church and industry - Anglican Communion
- Economic justice - Religious aspects - Anglican Communion
- Economics - Religious aspects - Anglican Communion
- Housing - Religious aspects - Anglican Communion
- Social Service Council of Canada
- Girls' Friendly Society - Canada
- Brotherhood of St. Andrew
- Downtown Churchworkers' Association
- Location
- General Synod Archives