National House of Bishops experiences 'currency of grace' at January [2019] meeting : Bishops committed to unity in Christ
- Author
- General Synod Staff
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2019 March
- Author
- General Synod Staff
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2019 March
- Volume
- 145
- Issue
- 3
- Page
- 11
- Notes
- "Anglican bishops from across Canada gathered for a special meeting of the National House of Bishops in Niagara Falls, Ont. from Jan. 14 to 17 [2019]. The focus was on necessary preparations for a primatial election and on three resolutions that will be brought to the floor of General Synod this July [2019] in Vancouver". "'The house recognized that it has no jurisdictional authority on what comes to the floor of General Synod; this is the work of the Council of General Synod', [Primate Fred] Hiltz said. 'But as the nature of episcopal leadership is to encourage, teach, serve, and uphold the faith, the house considered what -- if anything -- it would like to share with the council on matters coming before the synod'". "'This particular meeting of the national house -- more so than any meeting -- modelled a graceful way to have a conversation about a matter with which we have deep differences. At the heart of that was a unanimous commitment to our unity in Christ', said Hiltz".
- Subjects
- Anglican Church of Canada. House of Bishops - Meetings
- Anglican Church of Canada. Primate - Election
- Anglican Church of Canada. General Synod (42nd : 2019 : Vancouver, B.C.) - Resolutions
- Anglican Church of Canada. House of Bishops - Relations - Anglican Church of Canada. General Synod
- Conversation - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada