Letter to the editor: Dismayed
- Author
- Cooper, Suzanne
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2014 April
- Author
- Cooper, Suzanne
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2014 April
- Volume
- 140
- Issue
- 4
- Page
- 4
- Notes
- "As a resident of B.C., I feel bound to comment on the article about our premier ['Christy Clark', Feb. 2014, p. 11]. Perhaps the rest of the country is unaware that B.C. Liberals are by no means liberal. They are mainly recycled Social Credit members and various other right wingers cobbled together to make sure that the NDP cannot get back in. As such, social programs are being cut and unions attacked". "You get the picture. Quite a few British Columbians would be dismayed to see her held up as exemplary. I am one".
- Subjects
- Clark, Christy (Christina Joan), 1965-
- British Columbia - Politics and government
- Christianity and politics - Canada
- Christianity and politics - Anglican Church of Canada
- Christian life - Anglican Church of Canada