Letter to the editor: Grubby world of politics
- Author
- Gue, Frank
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2011 November
- Author
- Gue, Frank
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2011 November
- Volume
- 137
- Issue
- 9
- Page
- 5
- Notes
- "Jack Layton well merited the national affection and respect his memory evokes in the 'Anglican Journal' ('A man like Jack', Oct. 2011, p. 4, and 'Remembering Jack', p. 5). Although he and I would disagree strongly on matters political and economic, I recall the wise words of the German statesman Otto von Bismarck: 'If you outlive a worthy opponent, you will find that you miss him'. Jack Layton was a worthy opponent and a fine gentleman. We will miss him. However, your warm treatment of the worthy, politically 'left' Jack contrasts sadly with the misconception of politically 'right' conservatives (like me), held by many church people. Please give some encouragement to conservative Anglicans who work to bring faith and beliefs into the often grubby world of politics". [Text of entire article.]
- Subjects
- Layton, Jack (John Gilbert), 1950-2011
- Christianity and politics - Canada
- Conservativism - Canada
- Conservatism - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada