Letter to the editor: Truly the good news
- Author
- MacAdam, Murray
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2011 February
- Author
- MacAdam, Murray
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2011 February
- Volume
- 137
- Issue
- 2
- Page
- 4
- Notes
- "The editorial, 'Walking a mile in their shoes' [Jan. 2010, p. 4], was one of the best newspaper columns I have ever read. Kristin Jenkins captured the gutsy, gospel-inspired ministry of downtown Toronto's All Saints Church-Community Centre in a vibrantly human, honest way. This is truly the good new of Jesus Christ in action. As the social justice and advocacy consultant for the diocese of Toronto, I got a sense of the value of this ministry during recent visits to the Dan Harrison Housing Complex, located beside All Saints. It was sobering to meet tenants who spoke of an unsafe and degrading environment due to the presence of drug dealers and other criminals, and poor building maintenance. However, tenants also spoke of how thankful they were for All Saints' presence among them, and how All Saints staff have nurtured a sense of community. This is a ministry that can make us feel proud as Anglicans, and that deserves our active support". [Text of entire article.]
- Subjects
- All Saints Anglican Church (Toronto, Ont.)
- Inner cities - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Dan Harrison Complex (Toronto, Ont.)