The Lending Library : The Council for Social Service Church of England in Canada
- Author
- Church of England in Canada. Council for Social Service. Library
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Bulletin [Council for Social Service]
- Date
- 1953 November
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Date
- 1953 November
- Issue
- [unnumbered]
- Page
- 22 p.
- Notes
- Cover title.
- Printed on blue paper.
- "Re-published November 10, 1953".
- A catalogue of the books in the Lending Library of the Council for Social Service divided into 15 sections plus heading "Prior to 1936. This oldest section of the Library is listed separately. Copies of this catalogue may be obtained upon request to the Council."
- "Books may be borrowed by the Clergy and other responsible persons in the Parishes for a period of three weeks. There is no charge except return postage. Write and let us know what you want. We have thought it wise to list the older section of the library (1936-1945) by itself and to list the newer books first. The lists are arranged and dated to indicate this. Our patrons will thus be able to distinguish easily the books published more recently. With one or two exceptions all volumes in the new sections have been published since 1936." -- front cover.
- This monograph bound in between issues 156 (30 March 1953) and 157 (30 November 1953) in bound volume of Council for Social Service Bulletins.
- Subjects
- Church of England in Canada. Council for Social Service. Library
- Libraries - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Special libraries - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Location
- General Synod Archives