[Messages From the Lower House: No. F. Asking for Lambeth Resolutions]
- Date
- 1921 October 5-15
- Source
- General Synod. Minutes
- Type
- Resolution
- Mover
- Chancellor Worrell
- Seconder
- Chancellor Davidson
- Prologue
- Message, From The Upper House
- No. 4. Union
- That the Upper House of the General Synod of the Church of England in Canada having taken part in the issuing of an 'Appeal to all Christian People,' from the Bishops assembled with the Lambeth Conference of 1920, and, having agreed to a resolution committing to the National, Regional and Provincial authorities of the Churches within the Anglican Communion, the task of putting the aforesaid Appeal into effect, accordingly send down to the Lower House the following Resolutions, and ask for concurrence in the same:
- 1. The Upper House of the General Synod of the Church of England in Canada welcomes and adopts the 'Appeal to all Christian People' contained in Resolution No. 9 of the Lambeth Conference.
- 2. The Upper House accepts Resolutions No. 10 of the Lambeth Conference as follows:
- - "The Conference recommends to the authorities of the Churches of the Anglican Communion that they should, in such ways and at such times as they think best, formally invite the authorities of 'other churches' within their areas to confer with them concerning the possibility of taking definite steps to co-operate in a common endeavour, on the lines set forth in the above Appeal, to restore the unity of the Church of Christ".
- The Upper House recommends that all formal invitations to the authorities of other Churches within the Dominion of Canada, and all conferences that may result therefrom, shall be in charge of a Special Joint Committee, to be appointed for this purpose at this session of the General Synod.
- 3. The Upper House also confirms the following Resolution No. 12 (B) (i) and (ii) of the Lambeth Conference Report:
- - (i) It cannot approve of general schemes of inter-communion or exchange of pulpits;
- - (ii) In accordance with the principles of Church order set forth in the Preface to the Ordinal attached to the Book of Common Prayer, it cannot approve the celebration in Anglican churches of the Holy Communion for members of the Anglican Church by ministers who have not been episcopally ordained; and that it should be regarded as the general rule of the Church that Anglican communicants should receive Holy Communion only at the hands of ministers of their own Church, or of Churches in communion therewith.
- The Upper House also accepts Resolution No. 12, (A) (i) of the Lambeth Conference as defined in the following terms:
- - "The Bishops of the Church of England in Canada will support the action of any Bishop who, provided there be no 'Canonical Impediment,' gives occasional authorization to Ministers not episcopally ordained, to preach in churches within his Diocese, and to Clergy of his Diocese to preach in the churches of such Ministers, provided that, in his opinion, such Ministers are working towards an ideal of union, such as is described in the Lambeth Appeal, it being clearly and distinctly understood that this involves:
- - (i) The whole-hearted acceptance by such Ministers of all set forth in Paragraph VI of the 'Appeal to all Christian People,' which is as follows:
- - "We believe that the visible unity of the Church will be found to involve the whole-hearted acceptance of:
- - The Holy Scriptures, as the record of God's revelation of Himself to man, and as being the rule and ultimate standard of faith; and the Creed commonly called Nicene, as the sufficient statement of the Christian faith, and either it or the Apostles' Creed as the Baptismal confession of belief:
- - The divinely instituted sacraments of Baptism and the Holy Communion, as expressing for all the corporate life of the whole fellowship in and with Christ.
- - A ministry acknowledged by every part of the Church as possessing not only the inward call of the Spirit, but also the commission of Christ and the authority of the whole body;"
- - (2) An expression of the approval of the ultimate acceptance of the Episcopacy for the United Church.
- 4. The Upper House accepts Resolution 12 (A) (ii), which is as follows:
- - "The Bishops of the Anglican Communion will not question the action of any Bishop who, in the few years between the initiation and the completion of a 'definite scheme' of union, shall countenance the irregularity of admitting to Communion the baptized but unconfirmed Communicants of the non-episcopal congregations concerned in the scheme." They define the meaning of it as follows:
- - "That by the words 'Initiation ... of a definite scheme of Union,' in Resolution 12 (A) (ii) we understand the formal adoption by the authorities of our Communion, and of a negotiating Communion, of a scheme of union based on the acceptance of the Lambeth Appeal".
- Message No. 4 was received from the Upper House on the Lambeth Resolutions.
- Text of motion
- That the Upper House be respectfully requested to transmit to this House the Resolutions of the Lambeth Conference, as it is impossible to consider Message No. 4 on Union until the said Resolutions are before the House. [p. 47]
- Notes
- Messages From the Upper House: No. 11. Re Lambeth Conference Reports.
- That the President of the Upper House acknowledge receipt of request in Message F and present the Lower House with a certified copy of the Lambeth Conference Report. [pp. 154-155]
- Schedule of Acts of Synod ....19. The approval and adoption of certain resolutions of the Lambeth Conference respecting an appeal to all Christian People with regard to re-union and certain provisions and resolutions in connection therewith. [p. 147]
- [Text of "Resolutions Formally Adopted by the Lambeth Conference of 1920" including No. 9 "Reunion of Christendom" with "An Appeal to All Christian People" printed on pp. 196-218. Text NOT included in this electronic database.]
- Subjects
- Lambeth Conference, 1920 - Resolutions
- Christian union - Anglican Communion
- Christian union - Anglican Church of Canada
- Ecumenical movement - Anglican Communion
- Lambeth Appeal
- Lord's Supper - Admission to - Anglican Church of Canada
- Lord's Supper - Admission to - Anglican Communion
- Lord's Supper and Christian union
- Ministry and Christian union