Motion to Revise Agenda
- Date
- 2007 June 19-25
- Source
- General Synod. Minutes
- Type
- Act 35
- Mover
- Archdeacon Vicars Hodge
- Seconder
- Ms. Shara Golden
- Text of motion
- That the agenda be revised to move resolution C003 (re the blessing of same sex unions) up on the agenda so that it is debated immediately following the Committee of the Whole this afternoon.
- The resolution was referred to the Assessors for review. The Assessors agreed that the resolution could be placed before Synod and advised that a two-thirds majority was required.
- The motion was then put and DEFEATED Act 35
- Subjects
- Anglican Church of Canada. General Synod (38th : 2007 : Winnipeg, Man.) - Agenda
- Same sex unions - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada