2003 Budget Adjustment #007-13-02-11
- Date
- 2002 November 8-10
- Type
- Resolution 30-11-02
- Mover
- Rev. Dr. Iain Luke
- Seconder
- Ms. Sally Tuckey
- Prologue
- Moved by: Dean Peter Elliott
- Seconded by: Archdeacon James Cowan
- Be it resolved that should there need to be adjustment of the budget within 2003, the Officers appoint 4 members of this Council to meet with the Management Team, chaired by the Prolocutor, to propose changes to the Council's May 2003 meeting.
- Friendly Amendment
- The mover and seconder agreed to add the words "and one member of Financial Management and Development Committee" after..."of this Council".
- Motion to Refer
- Text of motion
- That this Council of General Synod refer this motion to the Resolutions Committee. CARRIED #30-11-02
- Subjects
- Anglican Church of Canada. Council of General Synod. Resolutions Committee
- Budget - Anglican Church of Canada