Motion of Thanks
- Date
- 2001 July 4-11
- Source
- General Synod. Minutes
- Type
- Act 90
- Seconder
- Rev. Cheryl Kristolaitis
- Text of motion
- That we, the members of General Synod thank God our Creator, who has given us the beauty of this place in which we meet and the people with which we share it
- We receive our names at Baptism and our names become a proclamation and sign of Christ. When we name people in thanks we are proclaiming distinctive gifts of ministry.
- We move that the members of the General Synod express deep appreciation and gratitude to those who have helped us live the journey Toward Healing, Reconciliation and the New Life:
- To those responsible for local arrangements:
- Dennis Hayden, Co-chair of the Local Arrangements Committee;
- Gail Cuthbert-Brandt, Co-chair of the Local Arrangements Committee;
- Betty Kelso, Secretary;
- Patti Carlisle and Pam Humber, Children's Program;
- Rob Towler, Media Relations;
- Gordon Kennedy, Registration;
- Dave Embury; Transportation
- Jim Kelso, Treasurer;
- Jay Koyle, Worship;
- Ron Eydt, Site;
- For the wonderful hospitality of Bishop Bruce Howe and the people of the Diocese of Huron and the gifts of Patens and Chalices, which will help us remember this moment;
- For all the many volunteers who welcomed us, guided us, drove us and helped us find our way;
- For Dave Reynolds and the University of Waterloo staff for their care and attention to our needs;
- For the Diocese of Niagara who reminded us last night that our journey is not over and that the future invites us to celebrate what we will have become in 2004.;
- To those who helped us journey through prayer and praise:
- - For Peter Wall, the Worship Committee and all who contributed to the wonderful worship experiences;
- - For Jay Koyle and the gifts shared in the Opening Service and the celebration of Full Communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada;
- - For the Indigenous Members and Partners who planned the Healing Service;
- - For Angus Sinclair and Ken Hull and their gifts of music and song;
- - For the volunteer choir and in particular the singing of the children;
- - For the home group leaders and the gentle process of hearing each other in circles;
- - For all who led in daily worship and presided at the Eucharist;
- - For all who upheld Synod in Prayer;
- - For Theresa Altman whose beautiful art in our worship books helped us journey with life giving symbols;
- - For Marcia Christie and her design of the waterfall;
- - For the words of Bishop Steven Charleston who stirred and lifted our hearts to new possibilities;
- To those who helped us journey through the process and offer their healing gifts of time:
- - For Dorothy Davies-Flindall, for the work she has done and the work she has committed herself to do as prolocutor and for the Agenda Committee;
- - For Colin Johnson, a man who can admit mistakes, and for the Nominations Committee;
- - For David Crawley, the Wizard of Words, and the Resolutions Committee;
- - For Stephen Koning and the work of the Expenditures Committee;
- - The Honorary Secretaries: Archdeacon Logan McMenamie, Rev. Canon Glenn Small, Ms. Carolyn Chenhall, Ms. Betty Livingston;
- - Ron Stevenson, our wise and sage Chancellor and the Assessors;
- - For Lisa Barry and the work of Anglican Video -- for giving us a larger view of ourselves in picture and voice;
- To those who enriched our gathering and enrich our journey:
- - For those who made possible our worship resources;
- - For the displayers and those who provided information resources, and who walk with us in our journey as friends;
- - For the dioceses of Huron, Montreal and Niagara, Renison College and the Religious Orders for their evening hospitality;
- - For Leanne Larmondin and those who helped connect us on the Web;
- - For Sue Moxley and the people who provided pastoral care;
- - For Our Partners from near and far who continue to be such faithful supporters, gentle teachers and companions;
- - For visitors, who came to give presentations and to inspire our journey forward;
- - For Tony Whittingham and for the work of the media as we journey in ways to help share our story;
- For the "highs" of our Synod that burst with joy and celebration.
- For the "lows" of our Synod that remind us that the journey is not over.
- And to those who opened the windows of opportunity, who provided light in any dark corner, who eased the load of any burden and those who reached out to touch a friend:
- - For the Lutheran Anglican Joint Working Group for their commitment to a long process done with integrity and faithfulness. For all the people who provided ways for us to meet, eat and dance with our Lutheran sisters and brothers over the course of Synod. For a "high" moment in our journey to celebrate with fullness and joy;
- - For the Anglican Council of Indigenous People for the creativity, courage and compassion shown in their presentation to Synod and for the way they showed us a way to walk the painful, awesome and wondrous path to healing, reconciliation and the new life;
- - For Gordon Beardy and his humour, but mostly for his humility and for sharing the courage of forgiveness that helps us all to continue on pathways toward reconciliation and new life;
- - For the Indigenous Partners who shared their voices and presence with courage and grace;
- - For Mervin Wolfleg, spiritual mentor and friend to many -- especially for his design of the logo that is the symbol of our Synod;
- - For all elders, for all the indigenous leadership that is helping us journey into the New Agape;
- For the staff coordinators of this gathering for the gift of their skill and time and love for the Church; especially we name before God and this assembly;
- - Margaret Shawyer, General Synod coordinator "extraordinaire";
- - Dianne Izzard, recording secretary;
- - Lisa Barry, and Becky Boucher, video and technical services;
- - Dorothy Kealey, Office Manager, and her assistant Gail Holland;
- - For Chris Hiller, Donna Bomberry, Esther Wesley and Teresa Mandricks, for their work with the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples;
- - Paul Pakyam, Display Coordinator;
- - Philip Wadham, Information Services;
- For those who staffed committees:
- - Andrea Mann and Yvonne Tsang, Nominations;
- - Terry Thompson, Resolutions;
- - Jim Cullen, Expenditures;
- - Ellie Johnson, Partners;
- - Alyson Barnett Cowan, Anglican-Lutheran Working Group;
- For volunteers who have given this week to be with us:
- - Marion Jenkins, Diocese of Huron;
- - Ran Chase, Episcopal Church of the USA;
- - Eileen Scully, liturgical coordinator;
- - Brian Bjerring, volunteer with the Anglican Lutheran events;
- And to the staff at this General Synod, for the enormous contribution they have made to the life and witness we share:
- - For the staff of Church House for its presence and commitment through such difficult and challenging times. You are a constant sign to us of Christ's ministry through you;
- - For the officers who have helped us journey through difficult times -- for their faithfulness and commitment: especially for Rod Andrews who has served us in remarkable, caring and life-giving ways as Prolocutor -- making the incomprehensible comprehensible;
- - For the Deputy Prolocutor, Diane Brookes, and the wonderful heritage these two will pass on as our journey continues;
- - For the members of this Synod -- lay, clergy and bishops -- for creating space in busy calendars to be here;
- - For Lay delegates and non-stipendiary clergy, who gave the gift of time as they used holiday time or lost pay to come;
- - For Youth members, who with little sleep and much wisdom enriched our understanding;
- - For all who listened with open minds and hearts to the working of this Synod and so moved us forward in the missing and ministry of Christ;
- and we give thanks;
- - For Gordon Light -- for his considerable gifts of Music and Spirit -- a gentle man who can bring alive words, spoken and sung;
- - For Jim Boyles for holding so many strands of our corporate life together and patiently weaving them in such a way that the fabric of our life is strengthened, for extraordinary grace under pressure and for willingness to shoulder the load with such hope and patience and conviction that we find ourselves knowing that the future is open and that we will walk with confidence the path to the new life;
- - For Michael Peers, our Primate, our friend, a man who has modeled incredible friendship. This Synod is our gift to you. All the Synods you have attended, you have contributed actions and voice that have been formative and transformative. This synod is special -- for it is this Synod that is the heart print of your commitment, your leadership and your friendship. Michael -- we love you -- more than we can say.
- And our thanks and praise to the Holy Spirit, who guided us on our way here, who sustains us day by day, and who invites us to the Dance that lies ahead. CARRIED Act 90