Metropolitans' Report
- Date
- 1996 October 28 - November 1
- Source
- House of Bishops. Minutes
- Type
- Resolution
- Mover
- Bishop Townshend
- Seconder
- Bishop Finlay
- Prologue
- The Primate said that although attendance at the meeting of metropolitans was down, there had still been a quorum. Archbishop Curtis and Archbishop O'Driscoll had sent their regrets.
- Archbishop Peers advised that no major issues had been before the metropolitans, but that sharing of provincial news had been helpful.
- Bishop Woolsey asked for clarification regarding responsibility for the training of new bishops. Discussion followed. It was agreed that previously it had been the metropolitans who were to take initial responsibility. That might include "assigning" a mentor. Bishop Lawrence enquired whether there was funding available for newly elected bishops to take advantage of the program offered by the ECUSA Theological Seminary's College for Bishops in New York City ? The Primate responded that the responsibility for funding lies with the diocese.
- Other points raised:
- - the national church should have a policy regarding training for new bishops (an identifiable, articulated policy)
- - a process in Edmonton for orientation of a new bishop was noted
- - involve Archbishop Douglas Hambidge as a resource person in the training process
- - a long-term program (over a 6-9 year period) should be set up
- The Primate proposed formation of a small taskforce to meet that evening and report back on Friday about how to move forward on this topic. Archbishop Crawley and Bishop Ferris volunteered. A third member (from the CEP Unit) would be added later.
- Later in the meeting Archbishop Crawley reported that he, Bishop Ferris and Archbishop Peers had met to discuss New Bishops Training. They made nine recommendations for the orientation of a new bishop. In his report he said that orientation to the position of bishop before (a bishop's) consecration was the responsibility of the metropolitan. While a metropolitan could appoint someone else as the mentor, the metropolitan needed to build in time with the bishop-elect before the consecration. Some discussion followed.
- Text of motion
- That the report presented by Archbishop Crawley concerning new bishop's training be commended for circulation through the minutes of the House of Bishops and be commended to the metropolitans for consideration and report to the next meeting of the House. CARRIED
- Notes
- (See appendix xii)
- Appendix xii
- Some Features for the Orientation of New Bishops (shared with the House of Bishops - October, 1996)
- Features : Responsibility and $ Estimate
- 1. Time before consecration for preparation; stress the obligation re: day set aside by the archbishop for the consecration
- 2. Time with the Metropolitan (1 day ?) : Province $500
- 3. Time with a Bishop consultant (2 days), time with the electee's family - Doug Hambidge, Jim Allen, Jo Fricker, Mark Genge. (spouse with Bishop, spouse) : Diocese $700
- 4. A visit to a nearby Synod Office (2 days) : Diocese $500
- 5. A basic Reading Kit - Bishop's Handbook and other, such as `Transition' by Ron Ferris : Province $100
- 6. Costs to the College of Bishops or Alban Institute (continuing education fund request) : Diocese $2000
- 7. Optional mentoring with a provincial bishop of choice using new methods of communication : Diocese $500
- 8. The Metropolitan to ask the diocese to budget accordingly and to seek grant funding if diocesan resources are insufficient
- 9. The Metropolitan to take responsibility for implementation
- Total $4300
- Diocese $3700
- Province $600
- Subjects
- Anglican Church of Canada - Bishops - Training of
- Anglican Church of Canada - Bishops - Education (Continuing education)