24. Planning for General Synod
- Date
- 1974 December 1-6
- Source
- House of Bishops. Minutes
- Type
- Resolution
- Mover
- Bishop Bothwell
- Seconder
- Bishop Matthews
- Prologue
- Bishop Bothwell noted that General Synod is to be held from 2:00 p.m. Thursday, June 12th until noon, Thursday, June 19th, 1975, at Laval University, Quebec City. He expressed the hope that the Bishops would all find it possible to participate in the cross-cultural weekend which is being planned, and reported that a special Seminar is to be held at Laval University Sunday, June 15th. This is to include leaders of government and church, theologians and sociologists. Bishop Bothwell said that there is to be a dinner for Synod delegates at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday evening given by the Province of Quebec followed by a Service in the Great Seminary Chapel at which it is hoped that Cardinal Roy will preach. The Theme for the Synod is to be "Together in Christ", and some of the main issues are Christian Initiation, Ordination of Women, Church Union, the new Pension Canon, re-structuring of the Diocese of Newfoundland and Program Policy.
- Archbishop Davis described facilities available at Laval, and expressed the opinion that they would prove most satisfactory. He said that the Local Arrangements committee is very anxious to help and co-operate in any way possible. It is expected that many of the Bishops and delegates to General Synod will attend Mass on Saturday afternoon with their hosts, and this will enable people to accept preaching invitations for Sunday morning.
- Archdeacon Light said that he would be writing to all Bishops and Diocesan Secretary-Treasurers within the next two weeks requesting that he be informed, as soon as possible, of the names of youth delegates. The nominations are to go before National Executive Council in February for voting. He also requested that he be kept informed of Memorials to Synod, names of delegates, and the names and biographies of deceased members. He said that the Convening Circular will be circulated at least six weeks prior to General synod.
- Text of motion
- "That the Report of the General Synod Planning Committee be received." CARRIED
- The Primate noted that samples of the 1974 PWRDF Christmas card were available, and that quantities could be ordered through the Reverend Robert MacRae, Church House.
- Subjects
- Anglican Church of Canada. General Synod (27th : 1975 : Quebec, Que.)
- Anglican Church of Canada. General Synod (27th : 1975 : Quebec, Que.) - Theme