- Date
- 1989 October 25-27
- Type
- Resolution 46-10-89
- Resolution 47-10-89
- Mover
- Ven. D.J. Woeller
- Seconder
- Ven. R.T. Pynn
- Prologue
- Moved by: Rev. Dr. S. Moxley
- Seconded by: Dr. D.N. Maybee
- That the National Executive Council set up a Task Force to prepare a model for the sociological study of "the challenge of our church in being part of a multicultural nation and world", as requested by the General Synod; and
- that the Task Force membership include persons from the Multicultural Steering Committee and the Congregational Development Task Force.
- A vote on the above motion was deferred until later in the meeting. (Page 37).
- The motion deferred (see page 14) was brought forward, reworded as follows:
- Text of motion
- That this National Executive Council request the Program Committee to consult with the Multicultural Steering Committee to explore the establishment of a task force, including financial implications, to respond to Act 163 of the General Synod regarding a sociological study of "the challenge to our church of being part of a multicultural nation and world;" and to report to the National Executive Council in May 1990, if possible. CARRIED #46-10-89
- Notes
- Moved by: Rev. Dr. S. Moxley
- Seconded by: Mr. Justice D.H. Wright
- That this National Executive Council ask the Committee on Ministry to provide an "Educational Event" for the National Executive Council in May 1990, which would include the problems of bursary funding and, if possible, propose a strategy. CARRIED #47-10-89