- Date
- 1965 November 11-12
- Type
- Resolution
- Seconder
- Hon. Treasurer
- Text of motion
- That the Minutes of September 2nd, 1965, as circulated, be taken as read and confirmed, with the following change: Omit the words WITH POWER TO ACT from the resolution dealing with the appointment of a full-time Archivist-Historian, on page 2, No. 34. CARRIED
- Notes
- Paragraph from 1965 September 2, page two: "No. 34: Referred the appointment of a full-time Archivist/Historian to the National Executive Council for consideration (with power to act), and report to General Synod in 1967". Revised by Minutes on November 1965 to delete "(with power to act)".
- Subjects
- Anglican Church of Canada. National Executive Council - Minutes
- Anglican Church of Canada. General Synod. Archivist
- Anglican Church of Canada - Archives
- History - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada