- Date
- 1966 May 12-13
- Type
- Resolution
- Mover
- Mr. J.W. Graham
- Seconder
- Lt. Col. M.L. Douglas
- Text of motion
- That the minutes of the meeting of February 17-18, 1966, as circulated, be taken as read and confirmed, with the following changes:
- Page 1, "The Ven. B. Valentine" should read "The Rev. B. Valentine."* "Mr. S.H. Hodgkins" should read "Mr. S.H. Hodgins."
- * (also on page 4, paragraphs 1 and 3)
- Page 5, para.3, The sentence "Also, it should be indicated...in full attendance," should read, "Also, it should be indicated in the letter that although the meetings of the three Boards (MSCC, GBRE and CSS) are required by Canon; this year, because of the shortness of time allowed, the business meetings will be very brief and of a formal nature. The important factor for all dioceses and members of Boards to realize is that dioceses will, it is expected, be represented by their Diocesans." CARRIED
- Subjects
- Missionary Society of the Anglican Church of Canada (M.S.C.C.) - Meetings
- Anglican Church of Canada. General Board of Religious Education - Meetings
- Anglican Church of Canada. Council for Social Service - Meetings