[1966 Allocations From PWRF]
- Date
- 1967 February 16
- Source
- Anglican News Service
- Type
- Press Release
- Text of motion
- Famine-stricken peoples of India and Africa and earthquake victims in Turkey received a major portion of $200,724 contributed last year by Canadian Anglicans to the Primate's World Relief Fund.
- Since the fund was established in 1960 a total of $1,422,358 has been disbursed through the World Council of Churches and other agencies for the alleviation of distress in the world's disaster areas.
- Responding to an appeal by the Christian Council of India which has undertaken the emergency feeding of 1,000,000 persons daily, the Primate's fund made a grant of $35,000 in 1966. One phase of the council's plan involves the increasing of water supplies and another seeks to improve farming methods to prevent recurring famines.
- An additional grant of $20,000 went to the Canada-Mysore project, an cooperative scheme in food technology in which the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the Canadian Hunger Foundation and India's Technological Research Institute are among the participants. The total disbursement of $62,621 in India included also $5,000 to aid rehabilitation work following the Madras cyclone and floods and $2,500 for tuberculosis control in the sub-continent.
- Famine sufferers in Africa were helped to the extent of $10,000 while a similar grant was made to Turkey for housing victims of the severe earthquake in Eastern Anatolia.
- Other grants included $19,000 for refugees in Kenya, Rwanda and the Sudan, while a total of $33,000 went for agricultural projects in Burma, Rhodesia, Tanzania, Tunisia, Greece, West Pakistan and Chile.
- The Primate, Most Rev. Howard H. Clark, appeals to Anglicans to mark Centennial Year by making a substantial birthday gift to the world's needy people through the World Relief Fund.
- Subjects
- Anglican Church of Canada. Primate's World Relief Fund (PWRF) - Grants
- Disaster relief - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Church and development - Anglican Church of Canada
- Canada - Centennial celebrations, etc. - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Anglican Church of Canada - Relations - World Council of Churches