Messages and Greetings
- Date
- 1980 March 19-21
- Type
- Resolution
- Mover
- Rt. Rev. H.V.R. Short
- Seconder
- Rt. Rev. Mark Genge
- Text of motion
- That this National Executive Council respectfully request the Primate to convey to the Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Robert Runcie, Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of All England, and Metropolitan, our congratulations and felicitations upon his appointment to that high office which is the focus of Anglican unity; and further that the news of his appointment has been received with joy and confidence in Canada; and that he be assured of our prayers as he assumes the heavy responsibilities of his office. CARRIED
- Subjects
- Runcie, Robert A.K. (Robert Alexander Kennedy), 1921-2000
- Church of England. Archbishop of Canterbury