Letter to the editor : Priest's reputation 'ruined' by reporting of minor offence
- Author
- Reyes, Cynthia
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2024 June
- Volume
- 150
- Issue
- 6
- Page
- 13
- Notes
- "Canon David Harrison ('Toronto priest, Journal contributor found guilty of public indecency', April [2024], p. 8) cannot be the first priest to have committed a minor offence that in no way involved his church duties. Did the Journal give such prominent coverage to all and each of their minor offenses ? This is the kind of yellow journalism we associate with U.K. and U.S. tabloids, not a well-regarded Anglican newspaper in Canada. I hope the Anglican Journal will thoughtfully reconsider its actions and the ramifications. By publishing this article, you have ruined this man’s reputation without just cause". [Text of entire article.]
- Author/letter writer is a "Former journalist".
- Subjects
- Harrison, David
- Anglican Church of Canada - Clergy - Discipline
- Anglican Church of Canada - Clergy - Legal status, laws, etc.
- Anglican Church of Canada - Clergy - Sexual behavior
- Anglican Journal
- Journalism - Objectivity