Letter to the editor : Episcopalian parish's same-sex marriage discernment process: a model for the Anglican Church of Canada ?
- Author
- Lavender, Micahel Barbara
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2023 November
- Volume
- 149
- Issue
- 9
- Page
- 4
- Notes
- "I recently received an email from a cousin at an Episcopal church located in the American Deep South, home to many conservative parishes, outlining his church’s process of discernment regarding the biblical and theological nature of the sacrament of marriage. It strikes me as a well thought-out and simple process, and I’d like to share it with Anglican Journal readers."
- After outlining the process, writer notes: "At the concluding vestry meeting, vestry passed a resolution to offer the sacrament of marriage to same-sex couples who are members of the parish, under the same conditions offered to heterosexual couples. After much deliberation, education and facilitation of and for leadership, clergy and parishioners, each of the steps in the process gently led to a positive conclusion. It was a collaboration of the community. I see it as a template for how a conservative diocese might approach the subject EFFECTIVELY -- without feeling pressured to acquiesce. It is very sad that we Canadians cannot, on a national level, reach consensus on a current topic of such importance for our community of Anglicans".
- Author is "Assistant Editor, 'The Highway', Diocese of Kootenay.
- Subjects
- Same sex unions - Religious aspects - Episcopal Church
- Same sex unions - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Marriage - Religious aspects - Episcopal Church
- Marriage - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Bible - Criticism, interpretation, etc. - Episcopal Church
- Bible - Criticism, interpretation, etc. - Anglican Church of Canada
- Conversation - Religious aspects - Episcopal Church
- Conversation - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Episcopal Church - Parties and movements - 21st century
- Anglican Church of Canada - Parties and movements - 21st century
- Church controversies - Episcopal Church
- Church controversies - Anglican Church of Canada