Letter to the editor : Language used in MAID article was insensitive
- Author
- Metcalf, Barbara
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2022 December
- Volume
- 148
- Issue
- 10
- Page
- 4
- Notes
- "I am writing to express my pain and dismay at some of the language used in your article 'Justice and the new assisted death' (September [2022], p. 1)". "David Lepofsky's description of medical assistance in dying as a 'social safety net that they wrap around your neck and pull until you stop breathing' and the sentence relating the end of the life of a woman who chose MAID -- 'a doctor killed her on Feb. 22' -- is to me insensitive language disrespectful and condemnatory of those who choose this path and the dedicated individuals working in this difficult field. I for one am grateful that my dear friend has this choice and I will be there to support her in her final journey".
- Subjects
- Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)
- Euthanasia - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Right to die - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Death - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Lepofsky, David, 1957-