Marriage : What does the vote mean to you ? : Julie Moser
- Author
- Folkins, Tali
- Kidd, Joelle
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2019 June
- Author
- Folkins, Tali
- Kidd, Joelle
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2019 June
- Volume
- 145
- Issue
- 6
- Page
- 11
- Notes
- In advance of the debate on resolution A051-R2 regarding potential changes to the marriage canon which will be debated at General Synod in July 2019, two Anglican Journal writers, "spoke with six Anglicans -- three in favour of the resolution and three opposed to it -- to ask them: How does your view of marriage fit in with your faith ? And what does this vote mean to you ? One final note: You may notice that the voices of Indigenous Anglicans are not included in this article. For more on this, see National Indigenous Anglican Bishop Mark MacDonald's column (p. 5)". Each of the six comments indexed separately. Column by Bishop Mark MacDonald -- with title "On the marriage canon" -- also indexed separately.
- "Julie Moser. Worships at St. Alban Anglican Church, Moose Jaw, Sask. To me, every aspect of our Christian life is dictated by what God has revealed in Scripture. With marriage, I believe that it's between a man and a woman. Scripture actually teaches us that marriage is the place for sex, and so if you're a homosexual, if you're single, if you're divorced, if you're widowed, then you don't have that option of having sex. It's something that makes us stand our in the world -- as the church, we stand apart from culture and we say, 'We have made a choice to live consistently with what God has taught us'. I don't want this vote to go through, and I want to stand with my fellow Christians who are gay and have chosen this hard, narrow path that's different to the world". If the proposed canon does pass, "I would have to work out: is worshipping in a local church that holds a conservative view inconsistent, because we as a church will be out of step with the national church ? At so many levels, there's a tension in relationships".
- Subjects
- Moser, Julie
- Marriage (Canon law) - Anglican Church of Canada
- Anglican Church of Canada. General Synod. Constitution. Canon XXI
- Marriage - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Same sex unions - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Homosexuality - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Anglican Church of Canada - Parties and movements - 21st century