Letter to the editor : Colonized thinking insidious within prayer books
- Author
- Miller, Catherine
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2019 June
- Author
- Miller, Catherine
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2019 June
- Volume
- 145
- Issue
- 6
- Page
- 5
- Notes
- "I was really grateful for the articles on decolonization (May 2019). I believe we need to be very careful about what we speak and pray in this regard. The removal of the prayer for the conversion of the Jews is an overt and obvious example of change that needs to occur. However, there are assumptions in our prayers that are more insidious. For example, underlying much of our prayer and liturgy, especially in the 'Book of Common Prayer', is the assumption that Christianity is the only true religion and British culture the best way to live. The Good Friday prayers in the 'Book of Alternative Services' are, for me, equally offensive: 'We pray for all who have not received the gospel of Christ'. Many people who have not received the gospel of Christ have lived happy, fulfilled and meaningful lives. We might argue that they knew the gospel without calling it that, [but that] seems somewhat disingenuous. Christianity is a religion with a very checkered history and one among many ways to find God. We need to acknowledge that with care and consideration". [Text of complete article.]
- Subjects
- Third Collect for Good Friday
- Collect for the Conversion of the Jews
- Christianity and other religions - Judaism - Anglican Church of Canada
- Christianity and other religions - Anglican Church of Canada
- Christianity and culture - Anglican Church of Canada
- Anglican Church of Canada - Prayer-books and devotions