Letter to the editor: Facing deep fears leads to growth
- Author
- Griffin, Elizabeth
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2015 March
- Author
- Griffin, Elizabeth
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2015 March
- Volume
- 141
- Issue
- 3
- Page
- 5
- Notes
- "Eric Friesen's eloquent, honest and brave article ('Jonah;s journey to Nineveh, and mine', Jan. 2015, p. 2) addresses our need to tackle areas of fearfulness in our lives, and to search earnestly for the latent resources (faith) that we all have to overcome them". "By strange contrast, a piece in the same issue ('Rois makes top 100 list', p. 11) describes an award 'intended to recognize Canada's strong, fearless female leaders'. Not so ! No one is fearless, but some practise the courage to overcome many fears, even very deep ones, and thence to render great service".