Letter to the editor: Indigenous people appreciated God 'from their interaction with the world'
- Author
- McCorrister, Carl
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2015 May
- Author
- McCorrister, Carl
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2015 May
- Volume
- 141
- Issue
- 5
- Page
- 5
- Notes
- "Many hurtful things have been said, written and glorified regarding the traditional beliefs and way of life of my Aboriginal ancestors. Obviously, much damage has been done and there needs to be a lot of work and understanding to bring change to these views and those things that demonized my people". "[The scripture] I read .. that brings peace of mind and takes away 500 years of propaganda, is Roman 1:18-19, which states that we are shown the face of the Creator with the creation of the world around us. My people based their life on this concept and knew the Creator of the universe since time [immemorial]/ It was something they knew and appreciated from their interaction with the world around them".
- Subjects
- Native peoples - Canada - Religion
- Native spirituality - Anglican Church of Canada
- Christianity and culture