New Chaplain General a man with a plan
- Author
- Williams, Leigh Anne
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2010 November
- Author
- Williams, Leigh Anne
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2010 November
- Volume
- 136
- Issue
- 9
- Page
- 10
- Notes
- Part of: Special Report: The Anglican Military Ordinariate. Brigadier-General Karl McLean is an Anglican Church of Canada priest who was appointed as Chaplain General to the Canadian Forces in September 2010. "Now with 3,000 troops deployed to Afghanistan, the challenge is greater than it has been since the Korean War". "Care for the chaplains is a high priority. Recruiting the right balance of chaplains from different faith communities is also a significant piece of the work, says McLean. The chaplaincy currently has two full-time Muslim chaplains and three Jewish chaplains. A plan to create a network of aboriginal elders to help care for the spiritual needs of aboriginal members is also in the works. While all the chaplains minister to people of different faiths, having a balanced representation of the faith groups means that they can move around and offer a variety of services, he says".
- Subjects
- McLean, Karl R. (Karl Richard)
- Military chaplains - Anglican Church of Canada
- Military chaplains - Canada
- Anglican Church of Canada. Bishop Ordinary to the Canadian Forces
- Anglican Ordinariate in Canada
- Canada - Armed Forces - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Canada - Armed Forces - Religious aspects
- Canada - Armed Forces - Afghanistan
- Afghan War, 2001 - Participation, Canadian
- Location
- General Synod Archives