Lutheran dialogue has mission focus
- Author
- Sison, Marites N.
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2008 September
- Author
- Sison, Marites N.
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2008 September
- Volume
- 134
- Issue
- 7
- Page
- 14
- Notes
- "Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, said that 'an emerging focus around mission' characterized a spring gathering of the third Anglican-Lutheran International Commission (ALIC) in Chennai, India. Meeting from April 28 to May 5 [2008], the group discussed 'how Anglicans and Lutherans approach mission, how they understand it, how they carry it out', said Archbishop Hiltz, co-chair of ALIC, which oversees Anglican-Lutheran relationships worldwide. 'Within that focus there was yet another focus around 'diakonia', which is the servant ministry of the church', he said". "The commission received reports from various regions where Anglicans and Lutherans are present and exercise ministry together". "In a communique released after its meeting, ALIC welcomed re-activation of the All Africa Anglican-Lutheran Commission". "The commission also discussed the proposed Anglican Covenant. 'One of the big concerns at the joint commission (meeting) last year [2007], as we heard from the other provinces, and certainly, from the Lutherans, was the concern around a growing authority for the primates' meetings' said Archbishop Hiltz. (At last year's meeting [2007], the commission said it had 'extensive discussions' on the first draft of the covenant, and 'offered a response from the perspective of the document's potential impact on ecumenical relations between the two communions'.)"
- Subjects
- Anglican-Lutheran International Commission (ALIC)
- Hiltz, Fred (Frederick James), 1953-
- Anglican Communion - Relations - Lutheran Church
- Lutheran Church - Relations - Anglican Communion
- Mission of the Church - Anglican Communion
- Mission of the Church - Lutheran Church
- Service (Theology) - Anglican Communion
- Service (Theology) - Lutheran Church
- All Africa Anglican-Lutheran Commission
- Anglican Covenant - Anglican Communion
- Anglican Covenant - Lutheran Church
- Anglican Communion. Primates Meeting
- Location
- General Synod Archives