Letter to the editor: Sanctimonious blunders
- Author
- Scott, Peter
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2011 February
- Author
- Scott, Peter
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2011 February
- Volume
- 137
- Issue
- 2
- Page
- 5
- Notes
- "There were many worthy people who could have been chosen to participate in the Munk debate on religion. Too base the case for religion should have been presented by a man whose words of peace, however honeyed in the best traditions of English rhetoric, belied his unrepentant support for the catastrophic intervention in Iraq. Together with George W. Bush [former British Prime Minister Tony] Blair has helped to stir up precisely the kind of interfaith and sectarian discord and violence that give Christopher Hitchens and others a foundation for their case against religion. There are millions of Muslims, Christians and Jews today struggling for greater harmony through dialogue and cooperation. Even if Blair counts himself as one of their number, his failure to acknowledge the havoc caused by his sanctimonious blunders is an embarrassment to them". [Text of entire article.]
- Subjects
- Hitchens, Christopher (Christopher Eric), 1949-2011
- Blair, Tony (Anthony Charles Lynton), 1953-
- Atheism and Christianity
- Iraq War, 2003
- Munk debates (2010)