Letter to the editor: Moderation, please
- Author
- Graydon, Douglas (Douglas Norman)
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2013 December
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2013 December
- Volume
- 139
- Issue
- 10
- Page
- 4
- Notes
- "Readers of the Journal are of course familiar with Graham Patterson. For years, this man has written about his horror of the 'gay issue' and his anger at the hierarchy of the church who in his mind continue to drift, so very intentionally, away from the inerrant infallibility of scripture. His October letter ['Bible is infallible', p. 5] is most likely the most angry, vitriolic and abusive to date". "Regardless, I am exhausted by the Journal's practice of printing such thinly veiled hate (and I use the word intentionally). I fear that unless the Journal can print the views of Anglicans that can contribute to the exploration of current issues in a proactive and life-giving manner, whether they be pro or con, I will be seriously considering giving the Journal 'a pass'."
- Subjects
- Patterson, Graham
- Homosexuality - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Hate - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Anglican Church of Canada - Parties and movements