Across the Communion: A unique partnership is born in Bangladesh
- Author
- Swift, Diana
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2013 Summer
- 2013 July
- Author
- Swift, Diana
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2013 Summer
- 2013 July
- Volume
- 139
- Issue
- 6
- Page
- 11
- Notes
- The high rate of maternal mortality in Bangladesh "about 194 per 1,000 births in 2010 -- is falling. And the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is helping the country to reach its targeted reduction to 143 maternal deaths per 1,000 by 2015. Only 20 per cent of Bangladeshi mothers are delivered by mainstream medical professionals; more than 70 per cent use a traditional, unpaid birth attendant know as a 'dai'. 'The dai is a highly respected member of the community', Parash Baral, a project manager for the Bangladeshi NGO called UBINIG, told an audience at Church House, Toronto, in April [2013]. 'She will drop whatever she is doing and go to a woman in need'. The PWRDF has partnered with the Canadian International Development Agency and UBINIG to provide enhanced training for these attendants, and better access to prenatal, neonatal and child health care in 15 selected Bangladeshi districts, each with its distinct culture, language, food and geographical conditions". "The PWRDF project, which will run until 2015 and serve 130 villages, is also funding a fleet of tricycle ambulances to transport mothers in need of care, as well as several flat-bottomed boats to ferry the ambulances across rivers".
- Subjects
- Maternal health services - Bangladesh
- Maternal and infant welfare - Bangladesh
- Maternal health services - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Maternal and infant welfare - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- UBINIG (Organization)
- Baral, Parash
- Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) - Grants
- Tricycle ambulances