New indigenous province proposed
- Author
- Sison, Marites N.
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2008 December
- Author
- Sison, Marites N.
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2008 December
- Volume
- 134
- Issue
- 10
- Page
- 1, 7
- Notes
- "The Governance Working Group (GWG) is proposing the creation of a new ecclesiastical province that would allow the Anglican Church of Canada's indigenous members to govern themselves and achieve 'self-determination, jurisdiction and authority'. The proposed model, which was presented to the house of bishops meeting here [Niagara Falls, Ont.] at the end of October [2008], would create a province that is not geographically based, that will be named by indigenous Anglicans, and where membership is 'invited, not coerced or compulsory', the group said". "Creating a province would mean the election of a new Canadian Anglican indigenous metropolitan (senior bishop), who would have equivalent membership in the house of bishops, and the creation of a provincial office. The national indigenous Anglican bishop might be elected metropolitan, the group said. Under an indigenous province, a national Anglican indigenous sacred circle could take the place of a traditional synod, and canons and constitutions could be replaced with 'indigenous concepts that accomplish the same or similar functions', the group said." "Mr. [Randall] Fairey said in order for the vision to work, the church must overcome 'fear of change' and concerns about erosion of authority and influence and cost. It also needs to recognize NIM [Native Indigenous Ministry] as 'a priority in God's mission' for the Anglican church and to look at it as 'a justice issue'."
- Subjects
- Native peoples - Canada - Anglican Church of Canada
- Anglican Church of Canada - Structure
- Anglican Church of Canada - Provinces
- Anglican Church of Canada. Governance Working Group
- Indigenous peoples - Religious aspects - Anglican Church of Canada
- Anglican Church of Canada. National Indigenous Anglican Bishop
- Fairey, Randall
- MacDonald, Mark L. (Mark Lawrence), 1954-
- Location
- General Synod Archives