Luther College gives life to 'full communion'
- Author
- Hicks, Karen
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2002 November
- Author
- Hicks, Karen
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Anglican Journal
- Date
- 2002 November
- Volume
- 128
- Issue
- 9
- Page
- 12
- Notes
- "Luther College, a liberal arts college in Regina, has traditionally held close ties with the Anglican church, but the Waterloo Declaration has brought both a more formal link and for the first time, an Anglican chaplain". "Dr. Bryan Hillis, academic dean of Luther College, said the Waterloo Declaration 'means we have a greater opportunity to cooperate with the Anglican diocese [of Qu'Appelle] here. It was a great opportunity for more ecumenical cooperation. It meant we could widen our search for chaplain,' and, as a result, this year Luther College chose an Anglican, Rev. Cheryl Kristolaitis, as its chaplain".
- Part of Focus on Education Supplement.
- Subjects
- Luther College (Regina, Sask.)
- Hillis, Bryan V., 1956-
- Universities and colleges - Religious aspects - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada - Relations - Anglican Church of Canada
- College chaplains - Anglican Church of Canada
- College chaplains - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
- Toth, Cheryl (Cheryl Still Kristolaitis)
- Education - Religious aspects - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
- Location
- General Synod Archives