Liturgical music
- Author
- Harwood, Elizabeth
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Liturgy Canada
- Date
- 1995 Easter
- Author
- Harwood, Elizabeth
- Material Type
- Journal Article
- Journal
- Liturgy Canada
- Date
- 1995 Easter
- Volume
- 4
- Issue
- 2 & 3 [i.e. 3 & 4]
- Page
- 7-9
- Notes
- Special General Synod Issue.
- "Music is one of many things that make liturgy a meaningful experience. We experience and perceive on many different levels. In this day and age we tend to emphasize the importance of the rational and intellectual levels of experience. However, we are also physical, spiritual and emotional beings. For this reason many external auxiliary components are used as part of the liturgy to heighten and expand our experience".
- Subjects
- Church music - Anglican Church of Canada
- Hymns - Anglican Church of Canada
- Liturgical renewal - Anglican Church of Canada
- Location
- General Synod Archives